Sunday, November 27, 2011

Basra city of black gold embraces an international exhibition ...


Competition shown by the sharp leading companies to invest oil and gas sectors

Basra city of black gold embraces an international exhibition of

Basra - Hussein Tgb Tamimi

embraces Gallery Basra international land port stronghold produce 425 global company specializing in the field of oil industry, came to present the latest production in the production sector, transport and distribution of oil, as well as detailed service which is complementary and important in the performance of oil companies, in the meantime confirmed the delegates that they rarely meet with some of this number of major companies specialized in the field of energy, arguing that the exhibition of Basra to the oil and gas move with positive aspects of participating companies in terms of job search, and view the latest technologies in this area and discuss with the leaders of investment business of Iraq, to the benefit of Iraq, and investment companies.

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the potential quality of the Chairman of the provincial council in Basra morning Albzona said that the presence of this number of international companies that knew its potential quality art to the city of Basra, and declaring its willingness to work in Basra and the general areas of Iraq is message to the world that Iraq has become an attractive environment for foreign investment, which will carry the possibility of advancement of the Iraqi economy, and

noted that the province of Basra is an opportunity work great because of its energies and resources to enable them to communicate with the world, pointing out that the effort continued to provide blankets legal to work together with investment companies that implement various projects to be the final outcome of maintaining the common interests between both sides and serve the local economy.
'investment plans

Sadeq Hussain Sultan, general manager of exhibitions and trade services of Iraq stressed that this exhibition represents the largest event in the Middle East, because of the presence of major international to the largest international companies in the oil and gas, represented by the participation of (425) company belongs to (36) Arab and foreign countries, noting that Iraq is a country characterized by abundant natural wealth, including oil, natural gas and here highlights the role of specialized exhibitions in incentives to attract and attract these investment companies sober to work in Iraq service of economic development and investment, in Iraq at the moment.

Sadeq said: This event coincided with the investment plans offered by the current government which has undertaken and the rebuilding of damaged infrastructure and it will be this exhibition a great opportunity for companies to see the needs of the government sector and the private sector Special deals and processing contracts to investors, and that such activities have a significant impact in highlighting the interface the country's economic and open another window to the world the fact that exhibitions are an important means of means keep pace with progress in various fields and an important vehicle for promotion, it took Iraq compete with many countries in the establishment of these exhibitions, events and important activities that increasingly important with the increasing need to enter the Iraqi market, which has become all the international companies consider it with great interest.

examine the mechanisms and the head of the company Beramides International Organization of the exhibition Mohammad Sharif that the administration of the exhibition and in conjunction with exhibitions and business services was keen to call the largest international companies in the energy field, pointing out that all companies have the desire to go to Iraq and work in this field, as Iraq has extensive deposits and is one of the world's largest Baanaatih oil, and pointed out that the organization of exhibitions carries a lot of positives on the Iraqi economy, where we found a great desire of the Iraqi side, and delegations of companies in the study the mechanisms of cooperation and access to formulas exchange of knowledge and extensive economic cooperation. positive steps marketing manager for Cutter PLR Sinan confirmed that our companies offer great services complement the work of oil companies in the field, pointing out that the exhibition provides opportunities for all local companies to develop their potential and capabilities of professional manufacturing by building bridges of cooperation between the two sides, especially we have seen a clear desire by the companies present at a participant in Iraq, and the first positive steps that have earned sector of the Iraqi economy, pointing out that the interaction in the economic relations leads to care and participate in future sessions of the exhibitions organized within the country, adding that the company's office in Iraq was spent on the posts of Foreign Affairs in international exhibitions amounts Mlah great, but today Vtm provide these amounts.

the investment market as indicated Ala Zebra Group President Abdul Salman investment to that Iraq today has become a kiss for all Crkert world, and when we find major international companies specialized in the manufacture of energy present in this exhibition, it is clear evidence of the importance of the investment market in the country, and that the presence of the departments of companies came in the sections referring to the sincere desire to work to examine the mechanisms of cooperation with the Iraqi side, he said, that the technologies developed offered by international companies have great potential to develop oil and gas sectors in the country, especially as our economy is losing large amounts of gas, which burns without any benefit that can be invested to return billions of dollars into the state treasury, and here must be working towards an investment of this exhibition in achieving economic growth and large scale. post the first representative of the Hermes World Mark Mrzint said: This partnership is the first company in the exhibition, where we found the major companies operating in the field of global energy capital of the corridors of the exhibition, and this led us to consider mechanisms for cooperation with these companies in various acts both inside and outside Iraq, noting that the company has cooperation contracts with oil companies operating in Iraq, including the "bp" and British "you Oil" and other international companies, Arabic, emphasizing the desire to cooperate with the oil companies other, and the public sector Iraqi competent affairs of the oil and to engage in investment partnerships to serve the two sides.

Murad Ghariani Director of the Office of the Iraq and Kuwait to company Antrtak oil services company said that the company's delegation in the exhibition did not imagine the volume of participation in terms of number and quantity of international companies specialized in the field of oil, and in all cases provide a great service to all of these giant companies, which do not meet in one place only rarely, and pointed out that it entered into discussions with many international and local companies to get to the positive results that serve both parties.


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