Monday, November 28, 2011

BREAKING NEWS: Bomb blast rocks Baghdad


BREAKING NEWS: Bomb blast rocks Baghdad

BAGHDAD, A suicide car bomber has killed and injured almost 30 people in northern Baghdad according to an unnamed police source.

The Iraqi health ministry has set the casualty figures at seven killed and 21 injured. The bomber blew up his explosives laden car at the main entrance to the city's Al-Taji jail.

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The source told AKnews the terrorist's intention was to break into the prison yard with the vehicle. When this fell through he detonated the charges in the car a the gate. Most of the casualties were members of the security forces operating out of the prison.

Ambulances arrived at the scene as police cordoned off the area. On Thursday a Basra shopping area saw calculated carnage as a series of bombs were set off, timed to inflict the most damage and death. As people rushed to the scene of the first blast the second bomb went off. When security forces arrived the third went off.

Al-Taji prison was the scene of a break out in the spring of this year. On May 20 five members of the Mahdi Army escaped the prison.

In early 2010 control of the jail was handed over to the Iraqi government by U.S. forces.


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