Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Another Day, Another Allegation Against Cain

[Trigger warning for sexual assault/harassment; rape culture.]

As the stories to attempt to discredit Sharon Bialek start rolling off the presses (so to speak), a fifth woman has come forward accusing Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain of inappropriate behavior, asking her to set up a date for him with a woman in an audience before whom he was giving a speech.

Meanwhile, some conservatives are suggesting that the allegations against Cain are being orchestrated by the Obama administration. This does have the stink of oppo research all over it, but I hardly think it's the Obama administration who's feeding dug dirt on Cain to the press. Why would Obama want to undercut a frontrunner who could beat with one teleprompter tied behind his back? (Let it never be said that I never made a joke for rightwing readers.) No, this has Newt Gingrich's grubby little fingerprints all over it. Maybe Mitt Romney's.

In any case, Cain's finished.

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