Saturday, November 19, 2011

Apostrophe Abuse Hall of Shame: It's vs. Its

From the CD comments and other sources:

1. No one mentioned that Brazil makes it's ethanol from sugar cane.

2. feed it's refineries in the Chicago area...

3. The article is using the example as it's opening wedge....

4. .....if North Dakota continues on it's rampage of oil production the pipeline will...

5.  Exxon is also in the oil sands and wants to move it's product.

6. will turn sleepy backwaters into boomtowns and it's direct effect will be felt for a couple of years.

7. Governor Jack Dalrymple says the oil boom is in it's peak and things will slow down.

Here's the simple, very basic grammar rule for it's vs. its. 

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