Monday, November 7, 2011

Daily Dose of Cute

There has CLEARLY already been a heaping helping of cute already today, care of Deeks and Jack. But who couldn't use more cute? (I could!)

Dudley and Zelda are always Very Concerned About the Goings-On when Iain and/or I do anything outside around the house. They take up spying positions wherever they can find them, but the best place ever is obviously at the front door.

Dudley the Greyhound, tall and angular, and Zelda the Mutt, short and roundy, stand at the front door, looking out the window

Dudley and Zelda in profile
"We have Some Concerns about what may or may not be going on out there."

Dudley lies on the bottom step and Zelda stands at the window.
Dudley: "All this standing and looking has really wiped me out."

When the front door window is not available, the window over the couch will suffice, although it's totally not as good.

Dudley stands on the couch on all fours looking out the window; Zelda stands beside him on her back legs, resting her front two on the back of the couch
"This vantage point stinks. Let's get Two-Legs to open the front door."

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