Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Don't Let Yer Badgers Grow Up To Be Weasels*

This morning, Wisconsinites officially began collecting signatures to recall Governor Scott Walker.

The Wisconsin State Journal:
The Democratic Party of Wisconsin hosted a petition pickup party Monday night, and more than 40 recall supporters wore party hats and blew kazoos as they counted down the final seconds before 12:01 a.m.

Margaret Kraegy, 49, walked out of the Democratic office at 330 E. Wilson St. with petition in hand by 12:25 a.m. Kraegy, a heavy equipment operator for the Madison Parks Division, said she had to start circulating petitions because the legislation passed under Walker's watch has harmed her family and coworkers.

"I'm taking off work a half-hour early tomorrow so I'm not collecting signatures on city time," Kraegy said.

Of course, folks have been working on this tirelessly on since early this year when Walker and the state GOP circumvented the state constitution to please their corporate masters.

I don't know about the rest of you, but this is the kind of activism that keeps me moving.

On a tangential and personal note, over the past several months, I've made arrangements to leave academia and move with my family back to our adopted hometown of Madison in time to whip up some pre-recall jello salad. I'm sure at some point I'll have tons to say about the academy (hoo-boy), about Syracuse, and about moving home. Right now, I'm just tired.

But damn, as much as I love a lot of things about Syracuse (you wouldn't know it from my writing, but it's true), I'm so fucking excited to move back to a place where post it notes are a vital tool in the fight for democracy.

If you want to learn more about how to help with the recall effort, visit United Wisconsin.

*Screenprinting, fuck yeah.

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