Monday, November 7, 2011

Earthquakes in Oklahoma, Northern Afghanistan, and The Philippines

Oklahoma's largest quake in decades buckles highway; rattles residents: "Central Oklahoma continued to experience dozens of aftershocks Sunday, nearly 24 hours since the state's strongest earthquake since 1952 was felt throughout the region. More than ten aftershocks measuring at east 3.0 magnitude were reported Sunday, in the hours after a 5.6-magnitude earthquake took residents by surprise Saturday night. The temblor rattled homes and structures, causing belongings to scatter in houses and sending strident, booming sounds through the area."

Moderate earthquake shakes northern Afghanistan: "An earthquake of 5.5 magnitude has rattled the Hindu Kush region of northern Afghanistan, but there are no immediate reports of damage or injuries. The U.S. Geological Survey says that the quake occurred Monday at 4:29 p.m. local time."

Moderate quake shakes Philippine City: "A moderate earthquake injured one person, knocked out power and prompted the evacuation of dozens of patients from a hospital Monday in a southern Philippine city, officials said. The Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology measured the quake at magnitude 5.2, while the U.S. Geological Survey said it was 5.0. The quake shook houses in Valencia City and other parts of Bukidnon province shortly before nightfall, prompting residents to run outside in panic as TV sets and other objects tumbled off tables, Office of Civil Defense Director Anna Caneda said. 'The shaking was brief but quite intense,' Caneda told The Associated Press."

Fortunately, no serious injuries and limited damage have been reported in all three locations.

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