Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Happy 40 Year Anniversary Information Age 2.0

INTEL -- "The microprocessor has been the engine of the digital revolution that has changed our society dramatically over the past few decades, democratizing access to information and making for a more equalitarian world. This year Intel celebrates the 40th anniversary of the microprocessor and the 40th birthday of the Intel® 4004 which was the first customer-programmable microprocessor to become available on the commercial market."

MP: After the invention of the printing press in the 15th century that started Information Age 1.0, the commercial introduction of the mircochip in 1971 was the second most important information-related breakthrough in human history. Thanks to the introduction of the microprocessor in 1971, we can celebrate this year the 40th year anniversary of Information Age 2.0.  

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