Friday, November 4, 2011

Here Is Something That May Be Fun for You to Watch!

Not everyone has the right to get married, which is terrible, and not everyone wants to get married, which is great for the people who live in places where that is a choice and not great for the people who live in places where it isn't, and not everyone who can and wants to get married also wants their parent(s) there, or still has parent(s) around to be there, plus don't even get me started on blood diamonds. We can probably all agree at this point that marriage is a very complicated issue and relationships with parent(s) can be pretty complicated, too, but, because the best human moments rarely happen outwith the intricate framework of cultural difficulties we have collectively built, I think maybe we can nonetheless enjoy this video of what might be the best father-daughter wedding dance of all time. Can we? Let's try!

Video Description: A black woman in a bridal gown and a black man in a tuxedo stand in the middle of a dance floor at a wedding reception. Over a speaker, an offscreen DJ says, "Okay, ladies and gentlemen, at this time, we would like to invite the father of the bride to join our beautiful bride out there." There are cheers and applause as the groom leaves, and a black man in a tuxedo, sans jacket, joins the bride on the dance floor.

As "My Girl" begins to play, the father bows, then takes his daughter in his arms and they begin to dance a very traditional father-daughter dance. The music then switches to "Boogie Shoes," and they go into choreographed dance steps. The crowd cheers and laughs and applauds. The music then switches to The Jackson Five's "I Want You Back," and the father does a little MJ dance move, to cheers.

The choreographed dance steps continue through several more song segments in the medley, including Lloyd Banks' "Beamer, Benz, or Bentley" (which gets a big laugh) and the Jackson Five's "Dancing Machine" (to which they do the robot). They then wind up in more traditional dance together once again, then take a bow and hug each other to cheers and applause.

And just when everyone thinks it's over, Beyoncé's "Single Ladies (Put a Ring on It)" begins to play, and they break into the choreography from the video. More well-deserved cheers and applause. The end.

[Via Kelly.]

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