Sunday, November 27, 2011

Memo to the Occupy Protesters: Here Are Ten Things That Evil Capitalists Really Believe

From British journalist Daniel Hannan, who has also been a Conservative Member of the European Parliament for South East England since 1999, writing in The Telegraph:

"Chatting to some Occupy protesters this morning, I was struck by how wide of the mark were the beliefs they attributed to me as a Right-winger. In the interests of deeper understanding, here are ten things which – trust me – most of the Tory scum I hang around with think. Obviously, I don’t expect to turn my Leftie readers in a single post; still, they might get a clearer idea of what we actually believe.

Here's a sample:

1.  Free-marketeers resent the bank bailouts.

 2. What has happened since 2008 is not capitalism

 3. If you want the rich to pay more, create a flatter and simpler tax system.

 4. Those of us who believe in small government are not motivated by the desire to make the rich richer.

 5. We are not against equality. Our objection is that the policies required to enforce it involve a disproportionate loss of liberty and prosperity.

HT: Pete Friedlander

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