Monday, November 21, 2011

Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by melons.

Recommended Reading:

Fannie: [TW for sexual violence] Missing Gender Narratives Regarding Penn State

Mannion: This Is the Best of All Possible Worlds—Keep That in Mind While You're Enjoying Your Cat Food Supper

Echidne: [TW for misogyny; gender essentialism] Woman the Shopper. Man the Scientist. A Funny Sci-Fi Story.

Travis: Latinos, African Americans Twice as Likely as Whites to Have Been Affected by the Housing Crisis

Vanessa: [TW for rape culture] The New York Times on the Reporting of Rape

Pam: [TW for homophobia] Eye-Opening Profile of the Granddaughter of Anti-Gay Wesboro Baptist Church's Fred Phelps

Alan: National Geographic Photo Contest 2011

Mustang Bobby: Quote of the Day

TDW: Kickass Cover of the Day

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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