Monday, November 14, 2011

Monday Blogaround

This blogaround is brought to you by Shaxco Internet Marketing Solutions. Buy two large pizzas for your next Atlas Shrugged party, and we'll throw in Kenny G for free!

Amanda: [TW: Sexual Harrasment] Yes, Katie, there is sexual harassment

Angus: [TW: Police Brutality] On Margo Bennett, “Linked Arms,” and Police Violence at the University of California

Chloe: Shaming and taming teenage girls

The Columbia Journalism Review: What About Modesto?

Crystal: Stopping Police and DAs from Using Condoms to Convict Sex Workers

Flavia: [TW: Violence and Racist Images] If you protest racism during Black Face season in The Netherlands, you will be beaten up and arrested

Monica: Olympic Gender Drama- The Press Sisters

Penny Red: Dropping out won't fix the world

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