Friday, November 4, 2011

Occupy Everywhere & Economic News Round-Up

image of police in riot gear at night in Oakland
Sheriff's deputies advance on Occupy Oakland protesters early Thursday morning, Nov. 3, 2011, in Oakland, Calif. Following a mainly peaceful day-long protest by thousands of anti-Wall Street demonstrators, several hundred rallied through the night with some painting graffiti, breaking windows, and setting fires. [AP Photo]
I've seen several headlines and/or story ledes this morning that are some variation on "Oakland Protests Get Violent." Interesting framing, that. The protests, you see, only "got violent" when protesters broke shit; they weren't "violent," apparently, when police put Scott Olsen in the hospital.


CNN—Oakland, NYC occupiers see violence, legal action:
Two major hubs of the Occupy movement -- Oakland and New York City -- recovered Thursday from West Coast violence and East Coast court actions, with both fronts continuing their protest camps despite their encounters with the law.

In violence-torn Oakland, authorities reopened Thursday the city's port on San Francisco Bay after a night of Occupy demonstrations shut down the fifth-busiest port in the nation, a port spokesman said.

"The most current field reports confirm that in the port area there were no injuries, no property damage, and no major security problems from last night's demonstrations," port officials said. "There was a limited incursion into a private rail facility, and trespassers were escorted off peacefully."

Meanwhile, in downtown Oakland, Occupy protesters continued their encampment Thursday in the park in front of City Hall following a night of violent clashes with police.
CNN also has video of protests in Seattle greeting the CEO of JP Morgan, who was in town for some reason.

New York Daily NewsMore than a dozen Occupy Wall Street protesters arrested outside Goldman Sachs:
At least 15 Occupy Wall Street protesters were arrested Thursday after marching on Goldman Sachs to deliver an "indictment" of the financial giant.

Among the demonstrators hauled away after sitting down in front of the multinational's doors at 200 West St. was former New York Times foreign correspondent-turned-activist Chris Hedges.

...The marchers, led by four drummers, stretched a city block.

Some construction workers sitting along Church Street gave them thumbs up and a businessman on Murray Street muttered to himself, "What a bunch of idiots."

The NYPD didn't move in until about 15 protesters sat down and linked arms, blocking the lobby entrance.

As they were arrested, onlookers chanted "shame!" and "the criminals are inside!"
Here are two fun stories to read back-to-back...

New York MagazineJon Corzine Resigns, Won't Take More Millions From Failing Firm: "The CEO of MF Global, the securities firm that filed for bankruptcy on Monday, resigned this morning, and has opted not to accept his $12.1 million severance package, probably quite appropriately considering the role he had in the company's failing. Jon Corzine, the former New Jersey governor and Goldman Sachs CEO, said in a statement today that he feels 'great sadness about what has transpired at MF Global and the impact it has had on the firm’s clients, employees and many others.' Employees, of course, are basically out of a job, while about $630 million in client funds is still missing, drawing the suspicious eyes of the FBI and federal regulators. To keep things extra cozy, the man leading those regulators, Gary Gensler, head of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, worked closely with Corzine at Goldman Sachs, and eventually even worked for him."

I love how he's still entitled to a $12.1 million severance for running a company into the ground. Meanwhile...

The GuardianUS poverty data: 1 in 15 people among America's poorest poor:
"The ranks of America's poorest poor have climbed to a record high—1 in 15 people—and spread widely across metropolitan areas, as the US housing bust pushed many inner-city poor into suburbs and other outlying places and reduced jobs and income. New US census data paint a stark portrait of the nation's haves and have-nots at a time when unemployment remains persistently high."

In other domestic news...

Raw StoryTea party supporter to Elizabeth Warren: 'You're a socialist whore!': Not only did a heckler at a campaign appearance call Warren a whore for being "the intellectual creator of that so-called party," referring to the Occupy Movement, but: "The Massachusetts Republican Party recently released an ad that dubbed Warren the 'Matriarch of Mayhem' for supporting the Occupy Movement protesters across the country." You know, in case anyone hadn't noticed she's a woman, or failed to understand how her womanhood makes her EXTRA HORRIBLE.

CNN Money—'I'm home!' Adult children move back in: "With job openings scarce, getting adult children to leave the nest is becoming a lot more difficult. The number of adult children who live with their parents, especially young males, has soared since the economy started heading south. Among males age 25 to 34, 19% live with their parents today, a 5% increase from 2005, according to Census data released Thursday. Meanwhile, 10% of women in that age group live at home, up from 8% six years ago. Among the college-aged set, the 18- to 24-year-olds, 59% of males and 50% of females lived with their parents, up from 53% and 46%, respectively. The fact that so many young people are unable or unwilling to flee the nest 'cuts into the formation of new households quite a lot,' said Mark Zandi, chief economist for Moody's Analytics. Zandi calculated that there are about 150,000 fewer households being formed per year than the 1.2 million that would be in a normal, well-functioning economy."

Paul Krugman in the New York TimesOligarchy, American Style: "[E]xtreme concentration of income is incompatible with real democracy. Can anyone seriously deny that our political system is being warped by the influence of big money, and that the warping is getting worse as the wealth of a few grows ever larger? Some pundits are still trying to dismiss concerns about rising inequality as somehow foolish. But the truth is that the whole nature of our society is at stake."

Speaking of oligarchs...

Think Progress—Romney Campaign Memo: The Koch Brothers Are the 'Financial Engine of the Tea Party'.

New York TimesFor Perry, Private Jets Have Been Key to Public Job.

In Washington...

CBS News—Boehner: Debt deal will include new tax revenues: "House Speaker John Boehner addressed one of the biggest sticking points for the 12 member Congressional 'supercommittee' today, acknowledging that any bipartisan agreement will need to include some new tax revenue. 'I think there is room for revenues, but I think there clearly is a limit to the amount of revenues that are available,' Boehner told reporters." Yeah, yeah—I'll believe it when I see it.

Reuters—Republicans block another part of Obama jobs plan: "Senate Republicans on Thursday blocked a $60 billion White House proposal to repair crumbling bridges, highways and other transportation systems as President Barack Obama's job creation agenda hit another obstacle in Congress. All 47 Senate Republicans, one Democrat and one independent voted against a piece of Obama's $447 billion stimulus plan that would have helped construction workers—some of the hardest hit after the housing meltdown and economic downturn. The bill needed 60 votes to advance in the 100-seat Senate. Construction workers face a jobless rate of 13.3 percent, according to the Labor Department, far above the nationwide rate of 9.1 percent. Obama's jobs plan is effectively dead in Congress, but Democrats are forcing Republicans to vote on it piece by piece as both sides dig in their heels before 2012 presidential and congressional elections in which the economy is expected to be a defining issue."

And in Eurozone news...

The GuardianGreece may leave euro, leaders admit: "The G20 is planning to increase the crisis-fighting firepower of the International Monetary Fund after the start of its summit was dominated by the first open admission from EU leaders that it might be necessary for Greece to leave the eurozone if the single currency is to survive. George Osborne said there was a 'real sense of urgency' on a day that saw an emergency interest rate cut from the European Central Bank, backtracking from Greece over a referendum on its bailout conditions, and a recognition that the IMF may need extra resources to cope with a deteriorating global economy."

The Guardian's live coverage of Greek PM George Papandreou's confidence vote, and related news, is here.

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