Thursday, November 3, 2011

Pop Quiz!

Can you guess which actor is partnering with video artist Laurel Nakadate later this month to play the "Gentleman Caller" in a performance of "Three Artists in Search of Tennessee, a three-part commissioned piece in which the pair will lead a seance to talk to the late playwright Tennessee Williams through a Ouija board. In part two, female actresses will audition for the part of Laura in The Glass Menagerie. And for the third act, male actors will audition for the part of Tom"?

Can you guess? Can you?!

Here, let me give you a clue: It's James Franco.

Did you guess James Franco?! If you did, give yourself 1,000 points, because it's totally James Franco! OBVIOUSLY. When you think about it, he is clearly the only person who would—or could!—play Tennessee Williams' Gentleman Caller in this or any other production that involves a fricking seance to have a chat with old Tenny, I mean when you really think about it, he's the only one, because James Franco.

Just ask the dog.

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