Monday, November 21, 2011

The Shelter Pet Project

Beagle, sitting in the living room of a home, 'speaking' in male voiceover as white woman walks around in background collecting scattered dog toys and putting them in basket: So, I'm kinda new here, but I've noticed a trend. My human does this funny thing where she goes around and gets all my toys, and then she hides them in that basket by the door. Y'know, but it's always the same basket, and it's always in the same place! [Chuckles.] And then she acts so surprised when I find them, but, y'know, she's putting them in the same basket! Again! It's like, hello! That's where you put it last time! You are the WORST at hide and go seek!

Text Onscreen: A Person Is the Best Thing to Happen to a Shelter Pet. Be That Person. Adopt.
The Humane Society of the United States, in conjunction with Maddie's Fund and the Ad Council, has launched a public service campaign called The Shelter Pet Project to encourage people to adopt a shelter pet (or a pet at a rescue) instead of buying one. Since the project launched in 2009, the percentage of pets in US homes that were adopted from animal shelters and rescue groups has increased from 27% to 29%, and euthanasia has decreased by 10% from 3 million to 2.7 million.

The second phase of the campaign is being rolled out now, including a series of new ads (like the one above), and The Shelter Pet Project could really use the support of people interested in animal rescue to help raise awareness.

In addition to writing about the campaign to spread the word, you can: Like the Shelter Pet Project on Facebook, follow the Shelter Pet Project on Twitter, and share your shelter pet's story here.

"Choosing to adopt is game-changing for you and life-saving for an animal. Pets end up in shelters through no fault of their own—they are often victims of circumstance. If enough people in our nation choose adoption, we can eliminate the euthanasia of healthy and treatable pets in our country."—Wayne Pacelle, president and CEO of The Humane Society of the United States.

Please feel welcome and encouraged to leave pictures of your shelter or rescue pet in comments.

[Related Reading: Sophie Comes to Shakes Manor; Dudley Comes to Shakes Manor; Zelda Comes to Shakes Manor.]

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