Wednesday, November 2, 2011

That's Your Liberal Media! headline:
Obama uses executive orders as a political tool
Opening sentence of the story [emphasis mine]:
President Barack Obama is crafting his own laws of political physics these days, insisting that inaction by a divided Congress requires White House action in order to get something done.
Nineteenth and twentieth paragraphs of the story [emphasis mine]:
Almost three years into his term, Obama is on a similar pace in issuing executive orders issued as his recent predecessors such as George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Ronald Reagan.

While some executive orders are routine or ceremonial in nature, presidents since Jimmy Carter have used them more for major policy directives to sidestep the legislative or bureaucratic process.
Paragraph twenty [!] actually gets at the important story here. Recent US presidents (like Reagan!) have expanded their use of executive orders. They may, as the article insinuates, have used executive orders to circumvent the legislative branch of government. Of course, the president also has a fair amount of discretion over how to run the executive branch, which AFAIK is the point of his issuing executive orders, so maybe this isn't the whole story. In any case, this seems like a kinda important discussion to have.

However, OMG Obama is doing a unique job of ruining America by being just like Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, and other Bush doesn't strike me as a particularly productive discussion. Of course, I have this strange feeling that one of the MSM's objectives is to paint Obama as a brazen socialist who hates freedom and American democracy, so it really depends on how you define "productive."

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