Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wednesday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by autumn.

Recommended Reading:

Kaimipono: [TW for misogyny and harassment] Harassment, Male Privilege, and Jokes That Women Just Don't Get

Vanessa: Planned Parenthood Launches Campaign Targeting 2012 Candidates

Andy: Highlights of Hillary Clinton's AIDS Speech at the NIH (Video + Transcript)

Alissa: Church-Backed Abortion Bill Sparks Protest in Russia

Richard: [TW for fatphobia] The Term "Obesity Epidemic" Is Unjustified and a Harmful Scare Tactic

Mimi: [TW for misogyny; objectification; symbolic disembodiment] No Comment: PETA Doesn't Want You to Wear Your Own Hair, Either

Lady T: Why Watch Romantic Comedies?

RIP Heavy D: See Arturo and Renee.

And here is a very cool picture of a cat batting a mouse, which I recommend not clicking through to view if you are disturbed by images of the violence of natural catdom. (Note: The red on the cat's paw is a leaf.)

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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