Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Iraq and Kuwait ~ Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister: a road map to resolve the outstanding issues between Kuwait and Iraq ...

Tuesday 12/06/2011

Kuwaiti Deputy Prime Minister: a road map to resolve the outstanding issues between Kuwait and Iraq

Baghdad - follow-up showed the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Aforeighalkwyta Sheikh Sabah Al-Khalid desire to Kuwait and Iraq in the end all outstanding issues between the two countries, pointing to the existence of a road map on the bilateral level to be resolved, noting Kuwait's readiness to help the Iraqis in their dealings with the United Nations.

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The immortal in a statement to the newspaper Kuwait News Agency, published today, «We are waiting for the visit of Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to discuss all issues, God willing, be room for the completion of all these outstanding issues». Speaking of his report the Secretary-General's envoy to the UN Secretary-General, which was released as an official and the desire of the two countries during a meeting with officials to end all outstanding issues.


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