Baghdad, Anticipating Member State law and the National Alliance Deputy//Saad demands with convergence and resolve outstanding issues between Iraq and the rule of law.
He demands with reporters (News Agency news) Friday: there are bilateral meetings between leaders of the political blocs now in an expanded meeting that brings together all the leaders in the House of President Jalal Talabani, to resolve outstanding problems.
He added: there are several topics will be at the meeting of leaders and concern all political blocs, including the outstanding problems between Iraq and the State of law coalition and the problems between the Central Government and the territorial Government.
Anticipating a Deputy from the State of law: resolve all outstanding problems and a rapprochement between the State law and especially after the US withdrawal and absence of the US component of the political process.
He was a member of the Liberal bloc of comrades and Deputy/National Alliance Al Jawad called the Iraqi list and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki to surrender to each other in order to resolve outstanding problems between them.
Al-jaburi said in the statement (for the news agency of news) Thursday: political leaders, particularly President list Iraqi Prime Minister Iyad Allawi, Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki waiver for each other to resolve the outstanding problems between them.
He added: what is a responsible political process tegaa wetgaa Iraq must renounce personal interests of the political process in the right direction, either stick to their views and claim it will increase the gap and increase the problems.
Noted Al-jaburi: there is a positive climate for resolving differences, but certainly not all resolved because of conflict of interest will be congestions among them up later to resolve or does not arrive at the solution but should not affect the political process.
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