Sunday, December 11, 2011

Iraq Finance: Do not increase the salaries in the budget of 2012 because of IMF Objection ...

Related Article ~ Iraq 2012 Budget Sent To Parliament ~ Iraqi Cabinet Ratifies $98.39 Billion Budget For 2012 ~ Sends To Parliament For Approval ...

Mon 12/12/2011

Finance: Do not increase the salaries in the budget of 2012

Baghdad / economic-term follow-up

Finance Minister Rafie al-Issawi that the budget next year, 2012 will not see any increase on the salaries of employees or retirees, pointing out that the issue of salary increases to the files of the most objectionable of the International Monetary Fund.

Issawi said in a press statement: that any increase in the salaries of employees and retirees that would expand the operating budget and a negative impact on the investment budget ..

At a time when the country needs more investment to move the Iraqi economy and the elimination of unemployment that exist.

He Issawi that the House will not proceed with any laws of the dimensions of finance before returning to the Government and the Ministry of Finance, to ensure the existence of financial cover them, adding that the budget for which they were by the Ministry of Finance and approved by the Council of Ministers did not put increases on salaries.

Continues more ..

The al-Issawi that the next budget approved 59 thousand degrees and careers, including 18thousand of the Ministry of Health and 15 thousand of the Ministry of Education, as was the distribution of the rest of the stairs on the ministries and other government institutions.

The al-Issawi, announced earlier that the endorsement of the government's budget for next year, which reached 117 trillion dinars and a deficit of 14 Trliuna, and the adoption of the production of 2.0006 million barrels a day and at a price of $ 85 per barrel.


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