Friday, December 9, 2011

Iraqi Finance ~ Iraqi Dinar: Deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency provided that necessary measures are sound and correct ...

Related articles ~ *Iraq ~ Finance Committee announces received a detailed report from the Central Bank of the Divisions reach deletion of zeros from currency .. and .. Two Currencies Coexist Together and Gradual Replacement ...


Abadi, describes the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency, provided that necessary measures be associated with incorrect ..

The head of the parliamentary Finance Committee Haider Abadi, that with the deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency as an important and necessary condition that the procedures associated with sound and correct.

Abadi and predicted that "the start of the new currency to replace the beginning of 2012, wondering whether enough time remaining to the procedures associated with the replacement of the currency or the extension period will be longer.

Abadi said that a number of precautionary measures have been discussed with the Central Bank to be the replacement process successful and correct.

The MP for the rule of law that one of the precautionary measures are to be currency safer and less fraud because the old currency and the percentage of fraud where few but the amount was large, pointing out that the fraud case of an international and not without a state by as long as any fraud rings Valtzoar is in America, Britain and other nations.

And Abbadi, "The new currency will not reflect negatively on the inflation situation in the country and financial transactions will be in Iraq, easier and better delete the zeros.

He noted that "the new place that will bring the process of replacing the new currency and destroying old currency not yet been determined.

Abadi said that the size of the Iraqi currency has become unreasonable and we are not the first country in the world to replace its currency, because many countries have preceded us in this context, such as France, Turkey and others.


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