Sunday, December 11, 2011

Message from Phoenix ~ Looking Good ...

Referring to .. *Iraqi Dinar = U.S Dollar ~ Deputy in the Finance Committee is expected to equal the Iraqi Dinar against the U.S. Dollar during the next biennium
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Message from Phoenix

My take on this is that the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar can happen anytime from this moment forward (NOW) and the decision they have made to do this will not change (irreversable).

It also states the value of the Iraqi Dinar will be equal to one US Dollar or 1 IQD = $1.00

The rate will remain at this level for a 2 year period (bienium) and will be held at the 1 to 1 rate by the auctions.

I have always thought the starting rate would be 1 IQD to 1 USD to avoid confusion in the market place.

Looks like we are about to see the removal of the artificial program rate and the revaluation of the Iraqi Dinar to a rate of 1 IQD = $1.00

Things are looking good.


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