Sunday, December 11, 2011

Tuesday ~ Iraqi Parliament ~ House of Representatives to raise its seventh next Tuesday


House of Representatives to raise its seventh next Tuesday

Sumerian News / Baghdad raised the Presidency of the Council of Representatives of Iraq, Sunday, the seventh meeting of the Council of Chapter II of the second legislative year to the next Tuesday, in a parliamentary source said that the meeting had to end the first and second readings for 13 of the draft law, and postpone the second reading of the proposed law credit fund students.

The source said in an interview for "Alsumaria News", "House Speaker Osama Najafi lift, this evening, meeting of the Council VII of Chapter II of the Year the second legislative held under his chairmanship and the presence of 210 deputies to be held next Tuesday (December 13 current), "noting that" the meeting had to end the first reading of the draft law on Iraq's accession to the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and the draft law on ratification of the Convention on Technical Cooperation in the field of animal health between the Governments of Iraq and Jordan.

The source, who asked not to be named, said:

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"The meeting also saw the end the first reading of a draft law on ratification of the Convention on cooperation in quarantine and plant protection between the Governments of Iraq and Jordan, the bill reward faculty members, educational, and the draft registration law and the adoption of pesticides," he that "the meeting also included an end to the first reading of a draft law regulating the circulation of agricultural materials, and the draft registration law, adoption and protection of agricultural items."

The source pointed out that "the agenda of the meeting also included an end to the first reading of a bill quarantine, and the draft law the salaries of the staff of the Ministry of Oil" , asserting that "the parliament session also saw an end to the second reading of the bill abolishing the two 21 and 36 for the year 2005, and the draft law of the Fourth Amendment to the law of maintenance of irrigation and drainage No. 12 of 1995.

The source continued that The session saw an end to the second reading of Bill Fund support internal departments in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, and the draft law regulating the provisions of the nomination for President of the Republic and the provisions of a deputy or more to him, "noting that" the Council decided to postpone the second reading of the proposed law credit fund students to the next meeting.

The source explained that "the Speaker of Parliament Osama Najafi confirmed that the next meeting will discuss the financial budget for the year 2012 in the case of access to Parliament, "asserting that" Parliament will be completed to host the Mayor of Baghdad Sabir al-Issawi in the event of non-arrival of the budget.

The Iraqi Council of Representatives held this morning, its seventh of the second semester of the year legislative the second led by Najafi and the presence of 210 deputies, with parliamentary source they will see the first and second readings of 14 of the draft law, most notably the law on the provisions of the nomination for president and a deputy or more for it.

The House of Representatives, raising in (November 30, 2011), held its sixth of the second legislative term of the second legislative year to the day Sunday, after he witnessed the interrogation of the Mayor of Baghdad Sabir al-Issawi, while the speaker decided to determine the future meetings to complete the interrogation.

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