Monday, November 28, 2011

Economy Discussed the Parliamentary Law of the Infrastructure

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November 28, 2011

Economy Discussed the Parliamentary Law of the Infrastructure

Committee revealed the economy and invest in the House of Representatives, for the law of the infrastructure has been discussed over the past few days in the presence of members of the committees of construction and financial services, explaining that the legislation of this law prepares the ground for the entry of investment companies to Iraq.

A member of the Committee of Economy and Investment parliamentary Salman al-Musawi’s “Twilight News” that the economic and investment commission discussed the draft law on infrastructure with the participation of the committees of construction and financial services under the auspices of the Vice President of the Council Qusai al-Suhail, “adding that” the amount of monitoring the application of this law, an estimated $37 billion. “

The House defeated a bill of the former Iraqi infrastructure made by the government at that time, the law requires the granting of investment companies large infrastructure projects worth $70 billion in a postpaid when many of the industrialized world, including major financial crisis.

However, the bill requires new infrastructure to the implementation of foreign companies, especially Korean, including infrastructure projects, such as schools, hospitals, water projects, in a payment on credit by $35 billion.

Musawi said, “lies the importance of this law in the legislation configured to ground the necessary infrastructure needed Alajnah investment companies that desire to invest in Iraq.”

Iraq has suffered from dilapidated infrastructure sectors in the overall result of long years of siege and war during the last two decades of the last century.

Despite the passage of eight years to topple the former Iraqi regime, the Iraqi government could not provide basic public services for citizens, which are often protesting the lack of it.


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