Monday, November 28, 2011

Vice President Biden to visit Turkey next month


Vice President Biden to visit Turkey next month

Arbil, November 28 (Rn) - Turkish media sources said on Monday that U.S. Vice President Joe Biden will pay an official visit to Turkey early next month, according to a Turkish site Khepri.

The Web site, "Turkey Day" to "Vice President Joe Biden, Khatib will pay in the first of December next official visit to Turkey for talks with senior officials on a number of bilateral and regional issues."

The Web site said, citing the agency's sincerity Turkish "Biden will meet during his visit, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to discuss hot issues in the forefront of the U.S. withdrawal from Iraq and the ongoing developments in Syria and the region and the developments of the Iranian nuclear file, as well as discuss strengthening bilateral relations and issues of mutual concern."

The agency said that "Biden will also meet Turkish President Abdullah Gul and Turkish Chief of Staff Gen. Necdet Ozal will conclude his visit to participate in a conference of businessmen, investors and representatives of civic organizations from 70 countries."


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