Monday, November 7, 2011

News I Don't Want to Write About

[Trigger warning for sexual violence, violence, rape apologia, exploitation.]

There is A LOT of news today that I do not want to write about!

There is the Penn State Sex Abuse Case, which is yet another horrific story about institutional sex abuse against boys by men whom they trusted, while men in positions of power looked the other way. We have heard this story before. The Catholic Church. The Boy Scouts. If this fucked-up world needs another post to be written about the presumed decency of Real MenTM while gay men are erroneously scapegoated as child predators, it will have to wait until another day, when I am fired up by anger and not deflated by grief. I do recommend reading Paul Campos on this story (with the caveat his post contains disablist language).

There is the Conviction of Conrad Murray, Michael Jackson's personal physician, who has been found guilty of involuntary manslaughter by a California jury. I am sad about this whole thing. I honestly didn't follow the case that closely, because I only have so much capacity for depressing celebrity exploitation stories and I'm ALL FULL UP at the moment, but I guess it's good he was held accountable for what seems like extremely irresponsible medical practices to a casual observer? You tell me.

There is Rep. Michele Bachmann's Ongoing Campaign to Make My Head Explode. "Self reliance means, if anyone will not work, neither should he eat." Oh, Michele. You are THE WORST.

There is Warren Buffett's $20 Billion Spending Spree. Nice spending spree if you can spend it, or something!

There is the Celebrity Boxing Match between "Octomom" and the "Long Island Lolita." They are two women with actual names! Do you know them? The media has done their best to make sure we don't! It makes exploitative—but sexy! woo woo!—boxing matches much more FUN if the participants have been sufficiently dehumanized. True fact.

Talk about these things! Or don't. Whatever makes you happy. Life is short.

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