Monday, November 7, 2011

Question of the Day

Suggested by Shaker Angelfish: Have you ever dreamed the same thing more than once?

I've had a pair of recurring dreams in my life: One was a recurring dream about my teeth getting loose and wobbly and unstable in my mouth, and occasionally falling out (which apparently is supposed to signal feelings of inferiority); the other is a recurring dream about being in a highrise building, near or on the top floor, when a huge—and impossibly tall—tsunami wave crashes over and engulfs the building (no idea what that's meant to symbolize).

I haven't had either one in a long time, though. Now I tend to get variations on the theme of school stress—being back in high school and forgetting my locker combination, not being able to find a class, forgetting my university schedule, realizing that I'm about to come up several credits short and won't graduate. These are super annoying, especially since I haven't been in a classroom of any traditional sort in 15 years.

I have more pleasant (or straight-up weird) dreams than unpleasant ones, but none recurring that I can recall.

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