Wednesday, November 9, 2011

This is a real thing in the world.

The Obama Made in the USA Mug:

Screen capture of item for sale in the Obama 2012 store: A $20 mug with an image of the president on one side, and an image of his birth certificate on the other. The product description reads: 'There's really no way to make the birth certificate conspiracy completely go away, so we might as well laugh at it—and make sure as many people as possible are in on the joke. Get your Made in the USA mug today.'

[Image Description: Screen capture of item for sale in the Obama 2012 store: A $20 mug with an image of the president on one side, and an image of his birth certificate on the other. The product description reads: "There's really no way to make the birth certificate conspiracy completely go away, so we might as well laugh at it—and make sure as many people as possible are in on the joke. Get your Made in the USA mug today."]

LOL FOREVER. Well played, President Obama and Team. Well played indeed.

Related Reading: Obama at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

[H/T to @bluegal.]

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