Friday, November 4, 2011

Wank Swap: S1 E6

Wank Swap reminds you to renew your television license.

The zombie of former CNN talk show host Eliot Spitzer lectures
the Belgian people about the importance of consistent leadership.
[Zombie Spitzer remarks that "the rumors of [his]
undeath have been greatly exaggerated.]


Belgian Prime Minister Yves Leterme is unimpressed.
[Leterme (Hugh Grant, actually) stands in front of
the US Capitol noting that "you assholes have no idea who I am."]

Will French Prime Minister Nicolas Sarkozy make his connecting flight? Find out soon on Wank Swap!

[Zarkozy asks, "What the hell is a bennigan?"]

Previously: Season Preview, S1 E1, S1 E2, S1 E3, S1 E4, S1 E5

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