Monday, December 5, 2011

Iraq ~ Analyst: Iraqi economy continues to flounder and needs to organize


Analyst: Iraqi economy continues to flounder and needs to organize

Baghdad, Economic analyst finds cute Abdul Salem announcing that the Iraqi economy continues to flounder and needs to be organized in order to grow and evolve.

Announcing said in a statement to a reporter (News Agency news) Monday: that Iraq possessed large economic fundamentals that could make him sites on the world market and have an impact, but these ingredients are not exploited properly and organizer.

And between the Iraqi economy announcing: flopped and needs to be re-examined and regulated through economic policy understandable and accurate, noting: that Iraq oil exports and imports of oil products "process is not just economic."

Continues more ..

He stressed that the Federal Government to develop a new economic order in accordance with scientifically accurate that develops strategic bases from which to build the Iraqi economy and its evolution, saying: to keep abreast of modern global economic development in order to improve the local economy and rehabilitation is now supported on oil revenues.

Economic analyst invited to take advantage of Iraqi minds abroad and built through economies of many States in the world, in addition to the use of foreign expertise and the organizations of the United Nations that its primary role development of underdeveloped economies.

Earlier, a student member of the parliamentary Economic Committee and the National Alliance Deputy//Abdul Hussein ressan was arrested with five-year strategy plan preparation or decimal restructure the Iraqi economy to its laws and institutions.

Ressan was arrested said reporters (News News Agency): the Federal Government is preparing a five-year strategy plan or decimal whether medium or long-term future scientific study-based restructuring of the Iraqi economy to its laws and institutions and cadres working, as a result of the now economy of chaos and instability.

Ressan was arrested: he should take the Ministry of Commerce turn properly and seriously in the interest of the Iraqi economy that has a major responsibility in the development of the economy and development.


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