Monday, December 5, 2011


[Trigger warning for sexual assault]

I've been chewing on this for a day, and I still don't have much to say.

The Wisconsin Justice Department has warned organizations that help sexual assault victims to expect drastic reductions in state aid next year, a surprise move for an agency that has prided itself on capturing sexual predators.

Justice Department officials informed service providers around the state this month it plans to cut grants from its Sexual Assault Victim Services program by 42.5 percent this year. The announcement blindsided service providers who rely on the grants to pay for therapy, crisis intervention and education. They expected cuts, they said, but never thought they would be so dramatic.
Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault (WCASA) [pdf]:
At a time when events around the country have focused attention on sexual assault, Wisconsin’s only grant program devoted to direct services for sexual assault victims is slated to be cut more than 40 percent in 2012.

The Sexual Assault Victim Services program (SAVS) grants are the sole state source of funds and therefore vital to sexual assault service providers’ ability to provide direct services to victims and their families including: 24-hour crisis response, victim advocacy, and criminal justice, legal and medical advocacy.
Unlike comparable programs in other states, SAVS has never received general purpose state revenue; it is only funded through a surcharge paid by perpetrators upon prosecution. A decline in the number of prosecutions has led to lower surcharge revenue.
A number of other state programs which fund critical services have been appropriately protected from these
budget cuts and lapses. [Interim WCASA Executive Director Pennie] Meyers contends SAVS needs to be added to that list.

That certainly seems like a reasonable suggestion.

Did I mention that the Republicans responsible for this garbage nightmare are largely pro-life? Because they want to protect the children and other traditional values? Traditional values like silencing rape victims? And protecting people who sexually assault the children (and adults) they're protecting? Did I?

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