Monday, December 12, 2011

Tuesday Parliament Reads the Budget ~ Completes Interrogation of Finance Minister, Issawi ...

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Parliament begins tomorrow, read the general budget

Discussed the abolition of the powers granted the land to the staff of the presidencies
of Baghdad

Muhannad Abdul Wahab

Initiate the House of Representatives on Tuesday by reading the state budget, and with complete questioning of Secretary of Baghdad Sabir al-Issawi, ended the parliament on the first reading and the second for 12 of the draft law.

According to the source of parliamentary early "morning", The meeting tomorrow will start to complete the interrogation of al-Issawi, attempting to read and discuss the general budget.

Continues more ..

The source said: "The MP Shirwan Waeli who presented the motion will be put more than 13 questions during the meeting, will also provide some documentation on the files of corruption." The House of Representatives has begun week before last to question al-Issawi in two sessions.

According to Article 61 of the Constitution, to a member of the House of Representatives be directed to the Prime Minister and ministers, questions of any subject within their specialty, and each of them to answer questions from members, and only the right to comment on the answer, "as stipulates that "Member of Parliament, and with the approval of twenty-five members, may direct an interpellation to the Prime Minister or the Minister, to hold them accountable for the affairs under their specialty, and are not the debate on the inquiry except after at least seven days of its submission."

In the meantime, a House of Representatives hearing the normal seven-second legislative term, which was held under the chairmanship of Osama Najafi, Chairman of the House of Representatives in the presence of 186 deputies. and he finished the House of Representatives on second reading the draft law to abolish the two things, 21 and 36 for the year 2005, submitted by the Committees on members and legal and private grants the President and the Minister the powers granted pieces of land residential staff presidencies and to achieve the principle of social solidarity and equal opportunities for all Iraqis, MP Bahaa al-Araji, the legislation law allows the distribution of land, housing for all citizens and to achieve justice in the granting of residential land, while the MP said, but Talabani: The law needs to be reviewed, although the land distributed among the staff of private offices in the past, but at the moment there are a lot of the staff of the Secretariat of the Council of Ministers, the Parliament did not receive residential land.


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