Friday, October 21, 2011

The "Bismarck Boom": Lowest Jobless Rate in U.S.

 At 3%, Bismarck Has the Lowest Jobless in the U.S., a Booming Labor Market and a Hot Real Estate Market
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In the video above, ABC News features Bismarck, North Dakota, the city with the lowest jobless rate in the country at 3% in August. The energy-related economic boom there is also fueling a real estate boom - homes in Bismarck are selling in three weeks or less at an average selling price of 99% of list price, and home prices have gone up by 6% so far this year. Anchor Diane Sawyer comments at the end of the segment that the "Bismarck Boom" is "like a dream of America as we want it to be." 

Diane Sawyer's dream could become a reality for 1.4 million Americans, who could find new jobs if the U.S. adopts policies that encourage the development of energy resources in the U.S. and Canada, according to a recent study by Wood Mackenzie.   

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