Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Really Scary Facts of the Day

1. "The GSEs (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac) and FHA bought or guaranteed 95% of all new mortgages in fiscal year 2011! Mind blowing numbers compared to when 40% market share was seen as high in the early 2000s." 

2. "Here are the current GSE bailout numbers
  • Fannie Mae: $103.8 billion received from the Treasury
  • Freddie Mac: $65.2 billion received from the Treasury
  • Total: $169 billion in taxpayer money to bailout mortgage investors via the GSEs
And those numbers should be going up again next month. The Congressional Budget Office recently estimated that we are likely to see $51 billion more losses for the GSEs over the next 10 years."

~Reason Foundation

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