The IMF recently proposed the introduction of a new Global currency – issued by a world bank – called the BANCOR which would replace the Dollar as the worlds reserve currency and the official IMF document can be downloaded from here. Russia, China and various other nations have openly been calling on the IMF to introduce a new global currency to replace the failing and collapsing dollar, amid fears that the dollar reserves which they hold will very soon be devalued to the point where it would place these nations in serious deficit.
“That will Never Happen!”
For years we have been warning people about the engineered global financial collapse only to be met with common rhetoric – “That will never happen! They would never do that!” - in a similar way to when people were responding to our warnings 20 – 30 years ago that their will one day be a United States of Europe with a common currency called the Euro-Dollar issued by a European Central Bank.
Continues ..@ Read more
In line with classic ‘Normalcy Bias‘, the majority of people quite happily bury their heads in the sand and pretend it is not happening. They simply cannot imagine a radical change such as the introduction of a common global currency ever being seriously considered – let alone put into place… and I guarantee the IMF seriously intends to put this new new currency into place.
Why do you imagine the IMF are gradually but surely issuing all of these unpayable bailouts to various governments – including Ireland – knowing there is no possible way on this earth that these ‘debts’ could ever be paid. Yes they want to rob our national resources such as our oil and gas as collateral for the so-called debt when our govenments default – as planned – but the desire for total control goes much further and deeper than that. And the IMFs desire for a global currency issued by a global bank should be no suprise when we follow the money and realise that the controllers of the IMF happen to be the very owners and controllers of the ECB, the Bank of England, the Federal Reserve and most other central banks in the western world.
It does not take a long while to find info on the internet and various other sources which will show you that this whole global economic financial collapse (and when I say collapse, I mean TOTAL collapse) has been planned and engineered nearly 100 years ago.
And depending on how far back you care to go, the plan for world takeover by means of taking control of the world financial system could have been planned over 200 years ago. Which takes me back to my earlier point about what is known as ‘Normalcy Bias’ whereby people cannot and will not accept that these radical changes could possibly be taking place. Where people find it impossible to imagine or visualise such a change ever happening “in our lifetimes” (a common statement of retort).
And more than once have I heard people angrily refute that our governments could ever lie to us, that they cannot help what is happening and that they really mean well but are in a very awkward position! And when the majority of the masses parrot the words “The bankers are criminals and should be hanged” they use these words as more a figure of speech rather than as being literal. Because the fact is the Bankers ARE criminals in the truest sense of the word and cannot even be compared to any MAFIA because they are infinitely more evil then the so-called MAFIAs and in fact control them in the same way as they control just about everything else in the world.
When we consider that the global elite family dynasties who are in control of – indeed who CREATED - most of the central banks across the majority of the western world – and then some – do not change. That they pass their legacies down through the generations who inherit the so-called progress that previous generations made in the centralisation of money creation and manipulation, it becomes very easy to understand that the final creation of a global monetary system is inevitable – indeed when we educate ourselves on how these family dynasties have manipulated the mechanics of money throughout the decades and centuries we would find it impossible then to imagine that they would do anything other than culminate their great MasterPlan with the installation of a Global monetary system controlled and administered by a World Bank, of course owned and controlled by them!
Just research the history of the Federal Reserve and the personages that were involved in its conception and realisation way back in 1913 and you will see a blueprint for the coming Global Bank which is a Super-Fed!
I would recommend you watch a brilliant documetary by William Still called the Money Masters which will give you all the info you need on how these crooks work.
Download official IMF document from here!
Read the links below for more info on the Bancor:
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Below is an excellent piece I found on the net which would be well worth reading and which explains the ins and outs of this proposed new currency and how it will impact on our lives if it ever comes into effect.
Read more by Dave Derby - The Sovereign Independent
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