Thursday, December 1, 2011

Biden To Attend ~ December 3-6-2011 ~ The 2nd Global Entrepreneurship Summit ...

ARABIA 500 to be part of the 2nd Global Summit on Entrepreneurship

Istanbul, Turkey
3 - 5 December 2011
Istanbul Congress Center

Once the world knows the Arabia 500, investment and empowerment won’t be the same.

The Arabia 500+Turkey has been asked to participate in the 2011 Prime Minister's Summit on Entrepreneurship in Istanbul on December 3-5, 2011. Hosted by Prime Minister Erdogan of Turkey, the Summit will bring together the Arabia 500+Turkey winners with public, private and civic leaders from around the world.

Representing the largest collaboration of growth entrepreneurs from emerging countries, the AllWorld Arabia 500+Turkey entrepreneurs will be announced at the Summit during an Awards Gala.

The Union of Chambers and Commodity Exchanges of Turkey (TOBB) in partnership with the Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV) will host the inaugural Arabia 500+Turkey Awards. Other than the US Inc. 500, the Arabia 500+Turkey is the only ranking of 500 fast growth private companies. The Arabia 500 is a new milestone for the world.

Continues more ..

December 3-6-2011


(December 03 – 06, 2011 – Istanbul, Harbiye Convention Center)

Second Global Entrepreneurship Summit under the theme of “Entrepreneurship, Values and Development: A Global Agenda” will be held on 03-06 December 2011 at Istanbul Harbiye Convention Center under the auspices of Turkey.

The opening remarks of the summit will be delivered by Mr. Recep Tayyip Erdogan, Prime Minister of the Republic of Turkey and Mr. Joe Biden, Vice President of USA.

The Summit, bringing together 2,000 successful entrepreneurs from Turkey and throughout the world, will be attended by Turkish ministers, prominent international figures and leaders.

The Summit, as the follow-up of the "Entrepreneurship Summit" hosted by Barack Obama, President of USA, in Washington on 26-27 April 2010, aims to allow entrepreneurs to develop closer relations, cooperation and dialog among different cultures and societies and will provide a unique opportunity for creating networks and exchanging different ideas.

Summit schedule and further details can be accessed via

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