Saturday, December 10, 2011

Casualty of the War on Drugs: Flash-Bang Grenade Burns Flesh Off Woman's Leg in Botched Drug Raid

StarTribune -- "The Minneapolis City Council approved a $1 million settlement Friday after a botched drug raid in 2010 in which an officer threw a "flash-bang" grenade into a south Minneapolis apartment burning the flesh off a woman's leg.The payout to Rickia Russell, who suffered permanent injuries, was the third largest payout for alleged Minneapolis police misconduct on record.

Flash grenades are intended to distract and intimidate, not to injure people, but during the raid the device rolled under the legs of Russell, who was seated on a sofa, and exploded. The police were looking that day for a drug dealer, narcotics and a firearm, but found nothing."

MP: When police SWAT teams smash down doors with battering rams without any warning, and then use flash-bang grenades to burn innocent victims and cause permanent injuries, is it any wonder they call it a "War on Drugs," aka the "War on Peaceful Americans Who Voluntarily Use Intoxicants Not Currently Approved of by the U.S. Government, Who Will Sometimes Break Into Houses of Suspected Users and Burn Flesh Off Their Legs."

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