Thursday, December 8, 2011

"When the Euro crashes, you will have two to three weeks to get out of all paper assets including US$" Lindsey Williams ...

Snip ~ _ When the Euro crashes, you will have two to three weeks to get out of all paper assets including US$.

_ The elite’s currency is gold and silver. They will go much higher! You must go to gold and silver to protect yourself.

_ They will go straight to a World Currency. They have decided to bypass the intermediate plan of a North American Union and go straight to a global New World Order.

Videos ~ Link ~ Bumped Up For Accuracy ~ Lindsey Williams ~ Urgent ~ New groundbreaking information about the plans of the global elite ...

Pastor Williams raised the following points:

Continues more ..

_Illuminati Elite told him what the plans are for the world in the next 9 months to 2 years. They told him a while ago there would be conflict in the Middle East, but they would not tell him which country.

_Gas prices will be between US$4-5/gallon in 9 -15 months. US$ 150-200/barrel oil.

_They will break the US via hyperinflation.

_The dollar will be dead; it will have no value by end of 2012, elite will complete plan.

_When the Euro crashes, you will have two to three weeks to get out of all paper assets including US$.

_The elite’s currency is gold and silver. They will go much higher! You must go to gold and silver to protect yourself.

_They will go straight to a World Currency. They have decided to bypass the intermediate plan of a North American Union and go straight to a global New World Order.

_They told him 2 years ago there would be a crisis in the Middle East. They engineered the Egypt crisis.

_The Suez Canal carries 30% of the world’s oil supply; oil pipeline called Sumed carries lots of oil; it’s in grave danger; if either were bombed or closed, we could see gasoline go up in hours.

_The Muslim brotherhood intend to take over the entire Middle East.

_Egypt and Israel have a border that meets for 160 miles long. Israel is worried about developments.

_Muslim brotherhood is starting in on Jordan

_It’s happening in Tunisia.

_Mr Mubarak has a personal wealth of 70 billion dollars.

_Kuwait will suffer the same fate as Egypt.

_Last week Kuwait gave every person that could prove their citizenship $3,500 if they would keep quiet and not support the Muslim brotherhood.

_The House of Saud, Saudi Arabia is afraid also as they are targeted.

_When all these happen, price of crude oil will rocket up.

_Elite said don’t be concerned about North and South Korea.

_He said China is the big issue. He said watch China and Russia.

_China more than likely will increase the value of their currency; it will automatically decrease the value of the US$ and it will cause hyper-inflation here.

_China is trusting Russia for crude oil and natural gas; Russia is the number one supplier of crude oil in the world.

_China and Russia made an agreement not to use the US$; this means the end of the US$ as reserve currency.

_Elite control both China and Russia.

_Elite will bring in a new global currency. They will come in with a One World Currency and at this point, China will begin to have problems.

_Elite said watch the Euro; when it has massive problems, it will crash; get out of paper assets.

_They said watch crude oil because it will tell you where the progress of the program is.

_Their timetable is by the end of 2012 the USD and EUR will have little to no value.

_Elites are already out of stock market.

_Go to insider trading and look at the records. Jan 10th through the 14th of 2011, they sold 163 million worth of their own companies’ stock; they did not purchase 1 single stock that entire week
_Many of the Elites are corporate heads."

Related articles:

Link ~
What Will Happen When Fiat Currencies Come Crashing Down?

Link ~ May 2010 ~
*** Intervening in Currency Markets ~ Falling Euro Spurs Cautious Intervention Talk ...

The Secret Order of the Illuminati (A Brief History of the Shadow Government)

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