Thursday, December 1, 2011

Going Global Headline News for Thursday, December 1, 2011 ...

Biden in Iraq "U.S. Will Win Fight for Influence in Iraq" ...

Iraq Exxon deal 'to go ahead' ...

December 19th GCC Summit ...

Obama Promotes Jobs Bill Before Scranton Crowd ..(Remember ..Put the millionaires' tax money to good use) ...

Maliki ~ Iraq Today Possesses Full Sovereignty ...

VP Biden and Ann Curry in Iraq, Exclusive Interview for TODAY, Thursday, December 1, 2011

Paris Club ~ Iraq Settling Debts? Iraq Higher Committee to Pay Dues: local private sector, foreign and Int'l organizations

Iraq's Investment Law ~ Chief Investment Basra: preservation of investments will flow after investment last amendment Act

Monday, December 5th Central Banks in Joint Action to Boost Liquidity to Markets

Central Banks Currency Swaps/Foreign Currency Swaps ~ Central Banks Augment Currency Swap Capabilities ...

*Big News ~ Greece to get 8 billion Euro Aid Tranche Begining of December Once IMF Agrees to Pay its 2.2 Billion Share ...

George Soros: The Global Financial System Is In A 'Self-Reinforcing Process of Disintegration'

Cybersecurity Bill Approved by House Panel

Senate Backs Military Custody of Terror Suspects

Senate approves sanctions on Iran Central Bank

Keiser Report: Überdebten (E217)

Iraq's Economy ~ Harvard Economics professor Christopher L. Foote is tasked with the recovery of the Iraqi economy ..

Maliki Addresses The Security Situation and U.S. Troop Withdrawal and The Strategic Framework Agreement ...

IMF and World Bank ~ April 2011 ~ Iraq ~ Central Bank assisted by IMF and World Bank to end the debt file ...

Vietnam, Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and U.S. "The Lower Mekong Initiative" ...

Clinton Offers Myanmar First Rewards for Reform And would consider Easing Sanctions if it Saw Concrete Reforms ...

Gimme Shelter Radio ~ 11:00 PM. EST., Wednesday, November 30, 2011 "Approaching The Finish Line" ...

Going Global Headline News for Wednesday, November 30, 2011 .. Updated ...

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