Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Iraq 2012 Budget ~ Parliamentary economy: We will not endorse the budget 2012 without final accounts for current and prior year

Wednesday, 15/12/2011

Parliamentary economy: We will not endorse the budget 2012 of the final accounts without

Baghdad / agencies

threatened the economic and investment commission of parliament not to ratify the budget for next year unless they are sent the final accounts for the current year and prior years, stressing that it constitutes a constitutional violation of Article 62, paragraph First of Article 80, paragraph IV of the Constitution.

The secretary of the Committee Habib Ghali Abboud as "Alsumaria News", that "After reviewing the draft general budget bill, the committee of economy and investment find that there are constitutional violation with respect to the general budget of the Federal fiscal year 2012, which has not been sent the final accounts for the year 2011 or even years past, "adding that" it is a constitutional violation of Article 62, paragraph First of Article 80, paragraph IV of the Constitution and the wonder of this offense. "

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He said Abboud, "We believe that not to send the final accounts and motivated, which is intended and can not accept any justification from the government in this regard ". Asserting that "do not send the final accounts can only be two explanations, namely the inability of government performance, and coverage of corruption associated with dealing with budget allocations and will favor the second interpretation."

noted Abboud that "government agencies when you need to allocations it sends the full requirements under the tables fundamentalist and classified in dust them with no room even for the challenged or ignored in whole or in part, but when asked to send revealed final accounts start stalling and procrastination."

stressed Abboud, "we are not willing to share the government in violation of the constitution and vote on the budget bill is not attached with the final accounts , "the statement said.

The Finance Committee of the Iraqi Council of Representatives has, in the 11 December 2011, the arrival of the General Budget Law for 2012 to Parliament, while it confirmed that some of the paragraphs need to be studied, indicated that it will be submitted to the House floor during the future meetings.

The head of the House of Representatives Osama Najafi had demanded, in the (November 28, 2011), the need to expedite the completion of the annual budget for the coming year during a short period, stressing the need not to prejudice the rights of the provinces in pumping money into ventures and investments, as he emphasized the International Fund he is currently working to reduce and minimize the recurrent budget in the budget for Iraq in 2012.

and Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki, (November 16, 2011), that the financial budget for the year 2012 will be forwarded to the parliament soon, adding that many countries agreed to implement projects in a payment on credit . The Ministry of Planning, announced (22 September 2011), that the financial budget for 2012, next will be between $ 112 and $ 120 billion, confirming that 35 percent of allocated budget investment, while the balance of 2011 the current 81.9 billion dollars deficit of $ 13.3 billion .


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