Monday, December 5, 2011

Iraq and U.S. Investment ~ Baghdad looking with a delegation of US Embassy economic attachee joint economic and investment projects ...


Investment of Baghdad looking with a delegation of US Embassy economic attachee joint economic and investment

Baghdad, Research Chief Investment Baghdad Shaker zamli with economic attachee at the US Embassy in Baghdad to develop employment prospects and economically fruitful cooperation and investment

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The body said in a statement received by (Agency news News) Sunday: the Chairman of the delegation discussed with Shaker zamli ways to develop employment prospects and economically fruitful cooperation and investment through a number of investment opportunities in the capital Baghdad.

The delegation also explained zamli ready body to provide all facilities and unlimited support to attract us investment companies and urged them to work in Baghdad, according to the laws of the applicable investment.

For his part expressed an official delegation in the Embassy to get jobs for their investment in Baghdad to exchange experiences and delivering the latest modern techniques and methods that characterize Washington gained after long years of work in this area.


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