Sunday, December 11, 2011

Iraq Meeting the political leaders in the coming days ...

Related article ~ Par tee ~ President Talibani's House ~ Meeting of the political blocs will be preceded by a meeting with President Talabani ...:)

December 11, 2011

Meeting the political leaders in the coming days

Baghdad, With A member of the House of Representatives for the list of Mesopotamia Kanna, Sunday, the next few days will witness a meeting of political leaders to resolve the pending crisis in the initiative of President Jalal Talabani.

He said we were in the a press statement that "the ability of political leaders to settle the disputes and crises through political consensus will add solutions to the crisis and lift the country from the fact abnormal, which is going through."

He said we were that "the issue of the U.S. withdrawal is a good chance of the political blocs to meet on the principle of one opinion that Iraq is now full sovereignty, and we maintain and the heroes of the argument holds that the arms had gone and occupied eliminated the need for that."


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