Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's Like They Took My Life and Put It On Television

[Trigger warning for misogyny, LGB-phobia, and transphobia]

Remember Bosom Buddies? It was this awesome show about two dudes who dressed up as chicks so that they could live in this cheap building for ladies. The show's title was pretty funny too, in that bosom is another word for tit.

Anyhow, Sara Rue and the CW have a great idea for a new show. Basically, it's just ripping off Bosom Buddies, only with a twist! Two (totes real, cissexual) ladies will pretend to be lesbians so that they can live together in New York City, because that's totally how things work in The City. Plus, the ladies will so get the perks of being domestic partners in a state that allows gay marriage.

I can't wait for the awkward second episode when one of the ladies has to explain to a really hot guy that even though she's a lady who (pretends she) likes other ladies, she (also) likes dudes! That's so strange! How do the writers presumably come up with this stuff?

Don't worry though, the entire purpose of the show is to empower real lesbians, in that it will show their plight or some such bullshit.

(Also, "faux-lesbian" is the greatest term ever. From now on, I'm referring to myself as "nouveau-lesbian." I love French shit.)

Speaking of bosoms, ABC's got a great new show coming up. It's about two dudes who pretend to be chicks so they can get a job, because that's totally how things work in the world.

I can't wait for the awkward second episode when one of the "ladies" has to explain to a really hot chick that he's a (pretend) lady who likes other ladies! That's so strange! How do the writers presumably come up with this stuff?

Don't worry though, the entire purpose of the show is to empower real ladies, in that it will show their plight or some such bullshit (e.g., when you are a lady, you can get a job easily!). Some people might claim the show is transphobic, but since these guys are dudes pretending to be ladies, it's clearly not about trans* people, in that trans* people want The Surgery or some such nonsense.

Now I've you'll excuse me, I'm off to buy a TiVo. They still make TiVo, right?

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