Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Japanese Automakers Employ 407,000 Americans at 63 Facilities and Hundreds of Auto Dealerships

Japan's automakers employ 407,000 Americans at these 29 plants and 34 R&D and design centers.
1. Japanese automakers like Toyota, Honda, and Nissan are responsible for more than 407,000 jobs in the U.S.  The vast majority of employees are those working at Japanese auto dealerships in the U.S., but Japanese automakers employ 50,000 American workers at 29 American vehicle, engine and parts plants, and another 4,000 at 34 major R&D and design centers, reflecting $34 billion of investment in the U.S.

2. Japanese makers are producing most of the cars they sell in America in North America -- 68% altogether.

3. Exported vehicles from Japanese plants in the U.S. last year increased to more than 145,000, up from 94,000 in 2009.  With a strong yen today, the trend will continue, and will be be supplemented by new exports of U.S.-built Toyotas to South Korea following the recent ratification of the free trade agreement.  

Those are some of the facts highlighted by USAToday based on a  Japanese Automobile Manufacturers Association report being released this week.

HT: Robert Kuehl

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