Monday, December 5, 2011

Monday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by Pez dispensers.

Recommended Reading:

Cheryl: Rock, Paper, Scissors: Choosing between Race and Gender in Comics

Scatx: NPR Article on Siri Is Major Fail

Sarah: Cloning a Mammoth: Totally Gonna Happen

Captain Awkward: Derailing: How Not to Talk to People Who Are Telling You Something Sad

Tami: Gawker and Vulture: Why No Love for Georgia Peaches?

Deborah: The 43rd Down Under Feminists Carnival

TDW: Infographic of the Day

Issendai: WARNING: Purina Pet Food Has Started Making Pets Ill (It sounds like, at minimum, check your bags to see if there's a "chemical" smell before feeding it to pets, which seems to be a common experience among owners with sick animals. It's a good recommendation generally to give your pets' food a good sniff before serving.)

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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