Saturday, December 10, 2011

Par tee ~ President Talibani's House ~ Meeting of the political blocs will be preceded by a meeting with President Talabani ...:)

Sunday 11-12-2011

Hamid al-mutlak: Meeting of the political blocs will be preceded by a meeting with President Talabani

Baghdad, Deputy Minister/Iraqi/coalition Hamid al-mutlaq of the meeting between the political blocs ahead of the upcoming meeting of leaders of the political blocs in the House of Jalal Talabani, President of the Republic.

Baghdad radio said in a statement (for the news agency of news) Sunday: political blocs will meet before the enlarged meeting of the leaders of the political blocs, which will be at the home of President Jalal Talabani.

He said the meeting would focus on search outstanding problems between the political blocs, particularly with regard to the implementation of the Convention to Erbil and balance in State institutions, as well as the need to resolve the security ministries.

Continues more ..

Iraqi Deputy referred to: that its blessed any meeting aimed at Iraqi unity and partnership really serving Iraq.

Earlier, the MP stressed/Alliance of Kurdistan/ashwag dry blocks need the commitment of the leaders of the political blocs commitment in the implementation of all provisions of the Convention on Arbil, certain loss need new agreements of this Convention.

Dry said in a statement earlier (News): the political process does not need new conventions, Convention on Arbil was "comprehensive" and contains all the solutions to the critical political situation and guarantee the rights of people of all stripes, but the crisis is not the commitment of the leaders of the political blocs and their promises in implementation, which is very dangerous, zalat: where new agreements "which guaranteed political blocs commitment?".

She blocks the Kurdistan Alliance MP: on political blocs to dip themselves in their positions and show flexibility in althaorali should adhere to the overall commitment to the Constitution and do not depend on "selectivity" in the ttbikhlaigad appropriate solutions for all crises.


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