Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pat Robertson Responds to Hillary Clinton's Speech

[Trigger warning for homophobia and Christian Supremacy.]

I'm pretty sure if someone had asked me to predict what Pat Robertson's response would be to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's landmark LGBTQI rights speech, I would've guessed pretty much exactly this, minus one Thomas Jefferson (mis)quote, and plus one deeply misguided rendition of Dolly Parton's "Straight Talk."

Isn't it appalling that the United States of America would try to enforce the acceptance of homosexuality on other nations, but at the same time we would not force them to take care of their religious minorities and they would permit discrimination and persecution of Christians? What kind of a country have we got? You know, there is a god in heaven and he is just. Thomas Jefferson: "I tremble when I remember that god is just." He is just; he is not going to allow this kind of thing to go on forever. This country cannot continue to violate god's principles and to make a mockery of his laws and think we're going to get away with it. And when the blow comes, it's going to be horrible.
That's what she said.


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