Thursday, December 1, 2011

Senate Vote Friday ~ Obama Promotes Jobs Bill Before Scranton Crowd ..(Remember ..Put the millionaires' tax money to good use) ...

Snip ~ The payroll deduction extension is scheduled for a Senate vote Friday. He urged people to pressure senators to support it.

Remember .. Obama to Raise Taxes on US Millionaires ... And ..Put the millionaires' tax money to good use and creating the "National Infrastructure bank" ... And ..National Infrastructure Bank ~ Obama Mentions Infrastructure Again ~ Remember ~ 2009 Obama Infrastructure Bank Takes Shape ... And .. Obama's Infrastructure Bank ~ Links ~ What is it? What's The Plan? ...

December 1, 2011

Obama promotes jobs bill before Scranton crowd

Scranton, President Barack Obama delivered an enthusiastic defense of his jobs bill Wednesday before a raucous Scranton High School crowd of students, residents and activists.

The president said his American Jobs Act will grow the economy by 2 percent. The proposal seeks money for construction of roads, bridges and schools. He also calls for an extension of a payroll tax cut, set to expire at the end of the year, that he said has saved a typical family $1,000.

To pay for it, he proposes raising income taxes on those earning at least $1 million annually.

"It's paid for by asking our wealthiest citizens to pay their fair share," Obama said. "There is a problem. The folks in Congress haven't got the message."

Continues more ..

The payroll deduction extension is scheduled for a Senate vote Friday. He urged people to pressure senators to support it.

"This really should not be controversial," the president said. "The Republicans have supported this proposal in the past."

He suggested some Republicans oppose the payroll deduction now because they don't want to boost the economy when the president stands for re-election next year.

"I hope they don't want to just score political points," he said. "I'm in the Christmas spirit. I want to give them a chance to redeem themselves."

The president was upbeat. The capacity audience hung on his words and cheered frequently. One member of the national press corps remarked that there was much more enthusiasm among President Obama and the crowd, compared to his last Pennsylvania appearance in Pittsburgh on Oct. 11.

The president acknowledged that typical families are still reeling from a tough economy. He blamed past excesses on Wall Street and in the housing market, and a failure of Congress to act. He vowed to do all he can using his executive powers.

"We all know families making deep sacrifices just to get along," he said. "Here's the good news, Scranton: Just like you don't quit, I don't quit."

He pointed to reforms he said make it easier to repay student loans and an initiative to help returning veterans find jobs.

"You shouldn't have to fight for a job when you come home after fighting for America," the president said.

East Stroudsburg resident Paul Shemansky shook hands with the president immediately following the address, telling Obama he gave a good speech. Shemansky, an organizer with the Pennsylvania State Education Association teachers union, said the president is "offering ideas, instead of saying, 'No, we can't do that.'"


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