Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Wednesday Blogaround

This blogaround brought to you by pencil cases.

Recommended Reading:

Julie: [TW for rape culture and imagery; victim-blaming] PA Liquor Control Board to Teens: Rape Is Your Fault, and Your Friends' Fault!

Andy: [TW for homophobia] Rick Perry Attacks Gays in the Military, Obama's 'War on Religion' in New Ad

Shark-fu: Pondering the Newtonian Revival

Fannie: [TW for body policing, violence, medical malfeasance, misogyny, racism] Involuntary Procedures and Local Power

L Boogie: [TW for rape culture] Fanon, Alienation, and Sexual Harassment

Michelle: [TW for discussion of eating and hunger] How Does Hunger Feel?

Chally: [TW for injury and objectification] The Humbling of a Pretty Girl

This piece for Shameless magazine, in recognition of Canada's National Day of Remembrance, was written by a member of the Shakesville community who prefers to remain anonymous: [TW for violence and rape culture] National Day of Remembrance and Action of Violence Against Women in Canada.

Leave your links and recommendations in comments...

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