Friday, December 9, 2011

Going Global Headline News for Friday, December 9, 2011 ...

................Iraq Articles in Blue

U.S. troops are on track to leave Iraq before the end of December

Iraq must contact Kuwait to exit Chapter VII

European Union Governments Agreed—for the first time in this crisis—that their governments would send the IMF up to €200 billion ($267 billion) ...

Saturday, December 10th .. Iraq and the Middle East witness the last total eclipse of the year Qmrhma ...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse December 10, 2011 in Gemini

December 2011 Astrological Forecast - Geocosmic Shock Window December 7-13 ...

Mexico - Rising natural gas superstate?

Iraq ~ 22 Laws ~ This Week Dec.11-17 ~ Parliament will Discuss and Vote on the 22 Laws ...

*** Iraq and Chapter 7 ~ Confirmed Washington has promised to help Iraq out of Chapter VII ...

Iraqi Finance ~ Iraqi Dinar: Deletion of zeros from the Iraqi currency provided that necessary measures are sound and correct ...

The Cabinet has passed its largest draft budget yet, calling for spending of 117 trillion Iraqi dinars

Honeywell opens new office in Iraq

Kurds must decide to stay or leave: Iraq minister ...

Iraq Withdrawal: After Troops Leave, A Substantial American Presence

The Future of The International Monetary System (May 2011) ...

Nigel Farage: Escape Euro Prison!

Iraq and Arab League ~ Najafi: the forthcoming Arab Summit in Baghdad, a historic achievement ~ The return of Iraq to fulfill its role in the region

Iraq and U.S. Strategic Framework Agreement will be the next phase of relationship ...

Maliki: Iraq seeks to develop friendly relations and cooperation with all countries in the world ...

Iraq and the United States agreement on immunity trainers Americans

Iraq ~ Najafi and Hakim meet renews call for the convening of a round table to address the outstanding issues in a spirit of national

Kurdistan 2012 Budget: Calls to speed up the adoption of the budget 2012 and submit the financial accounts of the budgets of the previous

Iraq and Chapter 7 ~ Alwani: Any agreement expect the government has no meaning unless it comes out of Iraq from Chapter VII ...

Europe moves ahead with fiscal union ~ #666 ~ The ESM's capacity will be capped at 500 billion euros $666 billion ...

Iraq ~ International Federation of business calls for private sector involvement with the country's economic development ...

Going Global Headline News for Thursday, December 8, 2011 .. will update ...

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